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We think that inclusive and fair policies for new women can only be realized if those women themselves have a voice and have the ambition, the capacity, and opportunity to influence the policy-making process. At the same time, it is necessary that policy-makers and influential institutions and organisations are willing to listen, leave room for migrant women and genuinely take into account what they have to say.



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1/ Co-operation in meaningful partnerships


We believe that meaningful and equal partnerships are the way to grow and reflect on our work and achieve greater impact.
We are continually working on the co-operation with partner organisations to let our voice be heard.


NWC is a network member of

  • The European Network Against Racism (ENAR).

  • The Global Refugee Led Network (GRN).

  • The Global Independent Refugee Women-led (GIRWL).

  • Network and The European Network of Statelessness (ENS).


And we work with many more on training exchanges, joint funding applications, platforming and visibility and exchange.




2/ Empowerment and advocacy


We realise inclusive spaces where new women can feel inspired and engaged. We improve our efforts to get in touch with new women by creating stronger visibility through partnerships, events, remodelling and communication. 




3/ Bridging gaps


We represent a missing connection between new communities and old institutions, strengthening democratic participation and accountability in Europe. We create platforms where those in policy-making connect with new communities and engage in an open dialogue on democratic governance and civic engagement. We create a table where everyone is invited and everyone is equal.




4/ Training


We provide training on active and meaningful participation, democratic governance, and civic engagement to organizations involved in policy and decision-making on local and European levels. 


We provide training on Meaningful participation.






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